Luke 'Kayaba' Parker - Unorthodox Cryptography to Scale Monero

Luke 'Kayaba' Parker - Unorthodox Cryptography to Scale Monero

Episode description

Monero is expected to evolve to Seraphis, adopt JAMTIS as our new address scheme, and even adopt Full Chain Membership Proofs for complete sender privacy. All of these rely on Elliptic Curve Cryptography, with the most notable construction being the curve cycle (an elliptic curve whose scalar field embeds the field of an elliptic curve whose scalar field is the original curve’s field) proposed.

This talk will go over alternate cryptographic schemes which can offer a more performant membership proof, decrease the storage requirements of Monero, eliminate the need to iteratively scan transactions for near-instant scan times, and increase privacy for users who don’t run their own nodes.

No transcript available for this episode.